The Deadly Empie Shiner - This incredibly innovative and effective streamer pattern, developed by Dick Empie, a North Attleboro Massachusetts native, has brought more fish to the net than most of our other favorite flies. Empie was a firm proponent of the Eastern Brook Trout and until the day he passed on, he made countless efforts to protect these fish and restore their habitat as much as possible.

The Light Edson Tiger - This streamer pattern, created by Bill Edson, once a favorite of the Lyman family here in Massachusetts, prized for its effectiveness on the native Eastern Brook Trout of the region, has proved incredibly effective for me time and again, so I figured it was high-time to share it with everyone!


Fly Fishing Highlight Reel 2016 - A little summation of my travels across New England and the country at large to find all manner of aquatic life in all shapes and sizes.


Fishin' with Justin - From a past summer's weekend fishing one of my favorite MA small streams with my good friend Justin. Enjoy!